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A - Z Associates Contractors Subcontractors Accountants Attorneys Construction Services Auction Concrete Concrete Cutting Concrete Pumping Demolition Electrical EnvironmentalEnvironmental Remediation/Restoration Excavation Geotechnical Hydro Demolition/Excavation Milling Rigging Safety SecuritySecurity System Stormwater/Erosion Control Surveyors Sweeping Traffic Control Trucking Construction Suppliers Aggregates Asphalt Chemical Coating/Sealing Concrete Accessories Concrete/Ready Mix Electrical Erosion Control Fleet Landscape Supplies Metals Mobile Offices/Trailers Pipe Precast Concrete Safety Equipment Sewer/Water Traffic Control Devices Consultants Construction Management Education/Training Environmental Meeting/Event Planning Safety Technology Contractors Asphalt Bridge Concrete Demolition Electrical Environmental Erosion Control Excavation/Site Preparation Guardrail Highway Industrial Landscape Marine Mechanical Pavement Marking Steel Erection Utility DBE Engineers Finance Heavy Equipment INDOT Prequalified Contractors as of 11/01/2024 0048 Traffic Control Advanced Mgt Systems 0085 Clean/Seal Cracks/Joints in PCCP and HMAIncludes Deleted 0185 0092 Concrete Drilling and Coring 0095 Concrete Pavement Sawing 0101 Covered Bridges and Wood Bridges 0112 Trenchless Pipe InstallationIncludes Deleted 0170 & 0255 0115 Dredging 0135 Earth Retention Systems: General 0136 Earth Retention Systems: Cut Walls 0137 Electrical Transmission and Distribution 0150 Structural Concrete Member ErectionIncludes Deleted 0280 0155 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control 0160 Earth Retention Systems: Gabions 0165 Traffic Control: Highway LightingIncluded in E(A) 0180 Hydro-Demolition 0188 Force Mains and Lift Stations 0190 Lighting Maintenance 0194 Pavement Sealing: Microsurfacing 0196 Pavement High Friction Surface Treatment 0215 Railroad Construction and Maintenance 0225 Concrete Pavement Grinding 0230 Pavement Grooving, Scarification & Rumble Strip 0240 Traffic Control: Pavement Markings by Hand MachineIncluded in E(G) 0243 PCCP Cracking and Seating 0245 Pedestrian Overpasses 0250 Driven Piling 0260 Placing Reinforcing Steel 0265 Placing Riprap 0270 Pneumatically Placed Mortar 0271 Full Depth Reclamation of Asphalt Pavement 0272 Polymeric Concrete Bridge Deck Overlay 0283 PCCP Rubblizing 0284 Recycling: Concrete Pavement 0285 GroutingIncludes Deleted 0080 0286 Recycling: Asphalt Pavement 0288 Pavement Sealing: Slurry, Fog and ChipIncludes Deleted 0289 & 0305 0290 Sewer and Pipe Cleaning and LiningIncludes Deleted 0192 & 0291 0292 Sewer Televising 0296 Bridges & Approaches: Incidentals 0297 Abrasive BlastingIncludes Deleted 0287 0300 Traffic Control Sign Installation Except Truss 0318 Traffic Control Snow and Ice Removal 0320 Traffic Control Snowplowable Pavement MarkersIncluded in E(G) 0325 Soil Improvement: No Chemical Additives 0330 Soil Improvement: W/Chemical Additives 0333 Sound Barrier Wall Installation 0335 Special Coatings & Waterproofing SystemsIncludes Deleted 0407 0339 Stay-In-Place Forms 0341 Bridge Expansion Joints 0345 Pavement Sweeping 0370 Tiebacks 0377 Traffic Control: Signal Maintenance 0380 Tree Trimming and Removal 0385 Tunneling and ShaftsIncludes Deleted 0293 0400 Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems 0405 Water Blasting A(A) Concrete Pavement: GeneralIncludes A(B), E(F) & E(Q) A(B) Concrete Pavement: LimitedIncluded in A(A); Includes E(F) & E(Q) B(A) Asphalt Pavement: w/INDOT Certified HMA PlantIncludes E(B) C(A) Heavy GradingIncludes C(B) & E(E) C(B) Light GradingIncludes E(E) D(A) Highway or Railroad Bridge Over WaterIncludes D(B), E(C), E(P) & 0103 D(B) Highway or Railroad Bridge Over HighwayIncluded in D(A); Includes E(C) & E(P) D(C) Bridge Involving Protection of Railroad TracksIncludes E(C) & E(P) E(A) Traffic Control: Signal InstallationIncludes 0165 E(B) Asphalt Pavement: w/o INDOT Certified HMA PlantIncluded in B(A) E(C) Bridge Deck Overlay and Minor Bridge RepairIncluded in D(A), D(B) & D(C) E(D) Traffic Control: Sign InstallationIncludes 0360 E(E) Small Structure, Culverts and Drainage ItemsIncluded in C(A) & C(B) E(F) Surface Masonry and Miscellaneous ConcreteIncluded in A(A) & A(B) E(G) Traffic Control: Pavement MarkingsIncludes 0240, 0320 & 0355 E(H) Deep Sewer and/or Excavation E(I) Permanent Seeding, Sodding, and Top Soil E(J) LandscapingIncludes 0378 E(K) Guardrail, Cable Barrier, Crash Attenuator, and FenceIncludes Deleted 0102 E(L) Structural Steel Erection E(N) Vegetation Control E(P) Bridge Deck SealingIncluded in D(A), D(B) & D(C) E(Q) Concrete Pavement RepairsIncluded in A(A) & A(B) E(R) Asphalt Pavement Milling E(S) Roadside Mowing E(T) DemolitionInsuranceTechnologyWBE